Sunday, August 9, 2009

At School

I'm at school and it's the middle of the day, but a few kind of hilarious things happened this morning that I want to jot down really quickly before I forget about them.

There is one kid in my am kindergarten who is really quiet. He used to be in pm kindergarten, which means that he's gone to school less days a week than the other students all year. He started am kindergarten the same day I started here. Because of this, he doesn't really know the other students and he's not comfortable very comfortable with them yet.  He lived in America for a year or two though, so his English is actually very good. He is really soft-spoken and sweet. He's also basically the cutest kid ever. He has floppy black hair and a slight unibrow (just a little bit, so that it's a cute kid unibrow, not like a Peter-Gallagher-needs-to-get-waxed sort of situation). He wears polo shirts a lot, and some days he just doesn't pay attention and he ends up running around with a popped collar all day. Usually the popped collar bugs me, but the tiny-child-accidental-popped-collar is endearing. He can be very smart, but he's extremely spacey. He'll lose concentration and drift off into la la land. This is my favorite thing about him, because he does it so accidentally and so thoroughly that he forgets where he is. When you call him back to reality he gets shocked and embarrassed at having gotten caught, so his whole body jolts and his eyes get super wide. Then he rushes back to his work, going really fast to make up for lost time. It's pretty cute.

His name is Sewook (pronounced say-ook). This morning he was quiet as usual, but then after lunch he LOST HIS MIND in the cutest possible way. He was laughing at everything, and was completely hysterical about it. He was dancing around and trying to make me sit on stuff, constantly tickling me and stealing my slippers. It would have been annoying if he weren't so cute. He was making me and all the kids laugh. I wanted to tell him to stop, but I couldn't stop laughing and it was playtime anyway, so it didn't really matter. I can't even begin to describe how cute his laughter was.

The other thing is shorter. There's a girl named Sonya who's only been in class for the last few days because she took a vacation. She's extremely smart, and reads better than almost any other student in the class. Today she had on this really sweet little pink tank top, with her hair tied in pigtails by pink bows. She is also really pretty and usually quiet, kind of delicate seeming. Today at playtime she was digging through the cabinets, looking for a toy. I went over to help her, and asked what she was looking for. She doesn't say anything, but without hesitation grabs something in the cabinet, pulls it out and calls out "Found it!" Everyone else was playing with puzzles and books. She had grabbed a plastic ax. Somehow, it made me flash back to me as a child. I wonder why that it.

Side note: they really should make a different font that’s specifically for sarcasm.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! Wow!! Sonya does seem like a smaller, pink-loving, Kelsey. Should I be concerned that you played with axes as a child?
