Friday, September 25, 2009

A Few Photos of my Kids

Photo 1: My boys!  This photo shows each of their personalities so perfectly.  Steve is acting like a superhero/ comic book character (he's the one in the middle doing Spiderman hands).  Ryan has me in his gun sight, despite the fact that I've told him a million times there are no guns in Miss Kelsey's class.  Junsung (the one standing up) is about to do something stupid that will cause others bodily harm, in a misguided attempt to be cool (he kicked into the air right after this and barely missed Steve's head).  Thomas is observing everyone, and doing something that looks somewhat like a video camera (which I could totally see him doing in the future).  And Andrew is quietly watching the action from the background, making a peace sign with his fingers.

Photo 2: Three of my girls.  Cindy is in the background without a smile on her face, which is somewhat odd.  She's very quiet and VERY smart, but she's also usually a pretty happy kid.  Cherry is in the middle with the huge grin, which is typical of her.  She is always so enthusiastic and energetic.  

Side note: Good story about Cherry-- Young and I were taking a video of them once while I taught them about bears, and when Young was watching the video later she noticed that Junsung, who sits next to Cherry on the carpet, had been flailing and inadvertently punched Cherry in the face.  She sits there for about a minute quietly, holding her eye in obvious pain.  Junsung, of course, does not care or notice that he just punched someone.  Little bastard.  Anyway, after a minute, I ask a question, and Cherry's hand immediately shoots from her eye into the air and when I call on her she gets really excited to answer and grins really widely.  Never even touched her eye again.  She's a trooper.

Back to the photo, on the left is Sally, the spinner.  I called all three of their names twice to get their attention so I could take the photo.  Sally had to be called six times.  Finally, I decided to just take the photo while she wasn't looking, and at the last second she looked up to ask me a question.  She's such a space cadet.

Photo 3: Jully.  During play time (when I took the photos) Jully had work she wanted to finish, so she was at the table.  Most beautiful child ever.  The photo is, unfortunately, a bit grainy.  Take my word for it though.

Photo 4: Steve!  This kid took two pictures with me, the first of which included him with karate chop hands in front of his face.  I literally had to pull his arm down to get his face in this shot.  He cracks me up.

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