Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Adorable Children and the Town Crier

A few days ago, the cutest thing I think I've ever seen happened.

Andrew is pretty big, pretty quiet and slow moving. Cherry is small, quick moving, and slow thinking. She's off in the clouds half the time. When the kids go to the bathroom, they take off their indoor shoes and put on bathroom slides, to keep the floors clean. Cherry was in the front of the line so she went in early, and Andrew had to wait for more shoes. When Cherry came out, Andrew had gone in, so she grabbed her shoes and ran for class. Something about her run sounded weird, but I didn't think anything about it. Then Andrew came out of the bathroom, and told me he only had one shoe. I look at Cherry, who has made it almost all the way to class, and she is wearing one of her shoes that fits, and one of Andrew's that is legitimately a completely different color (hers are pink, his are blue) and also about four sizes too big. The reason it sounded so strange is because she was shuffling one foot, like the villain in some bad horror movie. She hadn't even noticed until I called out to her, and then she looked utterly shocked that something was wrong with her shoes. She came run/shuffling back to me, the silliest look I've ever seen on her face, and traded Andrew his shoe back. I was laughing the entire time.

Basically, the last couple of days have been relaxed. I took most of the new teachers to E-Mart, and I've been writing a lot lately, which is always good. A few of the other kids in my class have shown their true colors as well, by which I mean that Junsung is completely annoying. He cries all the time. I think he's cried every single day of the past few weeks, and always blames Ryan and Steve, even though it's almost never their fault, or it's something totally minor. A few days ago I caught him licking the wall by the bathroom, and when I moved him away from the wall because he wouldn't stop, he started crying. Like, do you really want to lick the bathroom wall that much kid?  Seriously?  Is it that big of a deal that someone made you stop licking the bathroom wall?

My upper grades are cool though, and I teach one of those classes every day, so that's nice. I have a group of eight year olds and a group of nine year olds, and the nine year olds are AWESOME. They're really good with English, and eager to learn more, and I get totally silly with them and they're silly back. They have journals every day, and I'm supposed to come up with questions. At first it was like, “If you could have a pet, what would you have?” Now they're things like, “What would you do if you could climb the walls and ceiling?” And “If you found gold in your backyard, what would you buy?” Plus there are only four of them, so I like that class a lot. It's very low-stress, very low-planning, and pretty high entertainment value.

Saturday night we went out again, for Jeremy and Allison's going away. We went to dinner at a chicken gkalbi restaurant, although the chicken is a bit tooo spicy for me, and then to a bar. It was Lao bar actually, where we went for Tonya's birthday, where they do a fireshow and then hand out free shots. It was really fun again. Afterward we went to Norebong, which is karaoke, and I didn't sing, clearly.  A fear of singing in front of strangers will keep you quiet in those sorts of situations.  Then Shannon and I, bored, decided to head to Crazy Duck again, and Raj, her friend from college who also teaches here, and Jackie, one of the guys from English group who I've become pretty good friends with, came with us. It was awesome. We had a good time. It was another late night, but with less Soju this time. I've developed a slight fear of Soju, since it proved itself to be so incredibly potent the last time I drank some. I practice moderation now.

One of the kids from when I taught Tara's class, Thomas, is coming to my class. Apparently, his mom's friend was thinking of sending her younger kids to the school, so she observed the three KG7 classes from the hallway, and I guess she told Thomas's mom that I was a more hands-on teacher than Tara was because Tara gets on her computer a lot and I don't really need to be on the computer, so I walk around their tables and help with stuff. At least, that's what my TP (teaching partner), Young, told me happened. It all seems a bit rumor-ish.  However, Thomas is for sure getting switched to my class. I hope it goes well.  It should, because he was always friendly and happy in Tara’s class, and most of my boys are pretty friendly and happy as well.

You know, when Junsung’s not crying because I won’t let him throw toys at the girls’ heads while they clean up.

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